Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Hosts page here on EPPS2021™ ( Everything Paranormal Podcast Show 2021)! My name is ParaMic and I am the host of this podcast show and also the website designer and other thing's that come with the job. I'm going to give you all a back story on my life and how it became to me doing a podcast show online. I am from Springfield, Massachusetts and I went to school there and passed and had different jobs in my time but none of them seemed to be me. It was not fun for me and I was always looking for something better that was fun and was me. Not easy to find in the city or the surrounding cities you live in or near. I worked in different food stores, department stores and it was not me. I felt empty inside and looking for that adventure that was me. Finally a friend of mine plus also a store worker invited me to his radio show that he did every Tuesday morning. I was like of sounds fun. The only thing my friend forgot to tell me that it was early Tuesday morning at 3am to 6am. I was in shock!!!! Tuesday morning came around and we meet up at a local DD's for coffee and breakfast and then we just talked about how to do the show on a local radio station.
Hi Everyone I am the Cortessa of the Paranormal News-Desk, The Gothic Bride of ParaMic for the Everything Paranormal Podcast Show 2021 and I gave him the idea of starting up our very own Podcast Show online because I fell in love with an awesome Podcast Show online that I listen to everyday and every night and its the best Podcast Show online and I hope this Podcast Show is just like the one I listen to everyday and night. I try to help out ParaMic as much as I can in this adventure and do a lot of research for the Podcast Show that we hope to start together again soon. Now I know you just read that last part. So I will explain why I said that for you all. In 2016 of June ParaMic which is my Gothic Husband had a really bad tragic event that was very unexpected. He ended up with a Tumor in his right side of the brain. He had surgery for it to be removed and when he got home he was not the same. My Gothic husband was not all there anymore and his thoughts were only that everything he has done in the past and now moving forward in a new state it was all over for him. More about me will be coming in a bio-page soon like ParaMic's.
Hello Everyone! My name is ParaRich and I am the third Co-Host of EPPS2021™ I too also do Movie Reviews, and try to debunk a lot of them sometimes. Once in a while I will join in on the podcast show and sometimes I will not be on the podcast show. I will have to schedule it into my daily lifestyle of work, planning my own paranormal team here in Vermont with my Sister & Brother-In-Law. I will have more information on that along-side with ParaMic about the paranormal team I want to create. Knowning my Brother-In_Law he will come up with information about the paranormal team and a website. Thanks for reading this everyone! Hope to see you all soon on a live stream podcast show through EPPS2021™.